The game objects design

Game code

I created two files for this game and Run for starting the game.

# This is the file
class Character():
    def __init__(self, initial_position):
        self.position = initial_position

    def move_left(self, num_steps):
        new_pos = self.position - num_steps
        # checking if this move is possible
        if new_pos > 0:
            self.position = new_pos
            # By returning True we are confirming that this move happened
            return True
            print('This is not a valid move. Try again.')
            return False

    def move_right(self, num_steps):
        new_pos = self.position + num_steps
        # checking if this move is possible
        if new_pos < 11:
            self.position = new_pos
            # By returning True we are confirming that this move happened
            return True
            print('This is not a valid move. Try again.')
            return False

class Hero(Character):
    def draw(self):
        return 'H'

class Demon(Character):
    def draw(self):
        return 'D'
# This is the file
import random
import characters

class GameBoard():
    def __init__(self, hero, demon):
        self.hero = hero
        self.demon = demon

    def draw(self):
        # First create an empty series of dots and the exit
        board = ['.', '.','.','.','.', '.', '.','.','.','E']

        # Replace the empty space dot with the symbols for here or the demon
        board[self.hero.position - 1] = self.hero.draw()
        board[self.demon.position - 1] = self.demon.draw()

        for c in board:
            print(c, end=' ')

print('Starting the game.')
game_ended = False
hero_turn = True

hero = characters.Hero(2)
demon = characters.Demon(8)
game_board = GameBoard(hero, demon)

# Repeating this loop which asks for users turn to be played while the game is not finished.
while not game_ended:
    if hero_turn:
        print('It is Hero\'s turn.')
        print('It is Demon\'s turn.')

    # Asking for players' action
    response = 'No response'
    move_steps = random.randint(1, 3)
    while (response != 'r') and (response != 'l'):
        print('Next move is ' + str(move_steps) + ' moves.')
        response = input('Push "r" for moving right "l" for left. ')

    # We have this variable to see if the move was possible or not
    move_happened = False

    if hero_turn:
        if response == 'l':
            move_happened = hero.move_left(move_steps)
            # if it was 'l' then it must be 'r', we already made sure it is 'r' or 'l'
            move_happened = hero.move_right(move_steps)
        # If it is not Hero's turn it muse be Demon's
        if response == 'l':
            move_happened = demon.move_left(move_steps)
            # if it was 'l' then it must be 'r', we already made sure it is 'r' or 'l'
            move_happened = demon.move_right(move_steps)

    # Changing the turn if the move happened
    if move_happened:
        # this sets hero_turn to True if it was False, and otherway around.
        hero_turn = not hero_turn

    # Checking if anyone has won the game yet.
    if hero.position == 10:
        print('Hero has won!')
        game_ended = True
    if demon.position == hero.position:
        print('Demon has won the game!')
        game_ended = True